
☆Special Guest☆

Day time is getting longer and longer these days, I can feel spring is coming soon, but still quite chilly in Hiroshima.

We had special guest at Hiroshima HANA Hostel last week!!
Who was.....


He was eating glasses just in front of HANA Hostel. As he was enjoying his meal, we got strong feeling that something was staring at him..That was
Hungry CAT with his glistening eyes
The cat was studying at him and slowly approaching him.Oh no..he would be in huge trouble..
So I brushed the cat off by doing an imitation of dog.w And it worked.HAHA! I won!

What can we do for him to save his life from dangerous cat...?Yes we gotta catch and protect him! Gotta plan a strategy.
What we did is..

Lead him into a trap with food

(Was not that easy..)

Gotta be super patient.Seriously..

Once we caught him, We started making new house for him

Hopefully He liked new house

He seemed like a pet. We all worried about whether he was given away by his owner or just escaped.
Now he is at police station waiting for his owner. We are strongly wishing him all the best and find his owner.

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